Prior to the local elections in May 2019, Limerick Cycling Campaign is asking local election candidates for their opinions on a list of actions that if enacted we believe would make Limerick a leading cycle-friendly city. This is Action 4, a call to make cycling an integral part of Limerick’s upcoming transport strategy. Responses from candidates will be published prior to the local elections.
Cycling should be an integral part of the Limerick Transport Strategy
A major re-assessment of Limerick’s transport offering is currently underway in the form of a broad transport strategy. With significant population growth envisaged for Limerick city and the surrounding urban areas it is vital we have a transport strategy that future-proofs Limerick in terms of the requirement this population growth will place on transport needs. The most effective way to create a transport infrastructure that is capable of handling the population growth is to ensure we have a multi-modal offering that is not overly reliant on private car use. We believe that utility cycling can play a key role as part of this multi-modal approach to transport in Limerick city. If we want to realise the potential of cycling as a form of everyday transport it needs to be included as an integral part of the upcoming strategy. Therefore, we are calling on all local election candidates to support the inclusion of utility cycling as a viable form of transport within the framework of the transport strategy.
This offers us the perfect opportunity to create a transport offering that is multi-modal and sustainable with a specific focus on active travel modes and public transport. If we want to avoid the congestion issues that plague cities like Dublin we need to be proactive in how we cater for a growing population. With the active and vocal support of local elected representatives we believe that Limerick can realise a wonderful opportunity of creating a strategy that leads to transport options that get people to their jobs, schools and shops in an efficient but also sustainable manner. If cycling is not included as an integral part of this strategy then the opportunity will be missed.
National Policy and Documentation on the Issue
Smarter Travel, A Sustainable Transport Future – Link to the document
This is the transport strategy for Ireland for 2009 – 2020. One of the key targets states: Alternatives such as walking, cycling and public transport will be supported and provided to the extent that these will rise to 55% of total commuter journeys to work
National Cycle Policy Framework – Link to the document
International experience indicates that having an NCPF can be a powerful tool to encourage cycling in urban areas. Such a framework can provide a common, integrated basis for the long term development and implementation of cycling policies among various sectors and levels of government. The preparation, and implementation, of an NCPF is part of the contribution to a sustainable travel vision, and contributes to cultural development.